

Corona Virus and Our life     Since the spread day it remained under safety management which assures us that in case.of pandemic situation there only way to save life by observing precautions to avoid virus approach to human body.VIRUSES always prevail in body and outside and can create infection as per their severity and human body immune difficiency. Human body by the virtue of Allah vill remain under protection through immunity system of body which is a blessing. Written by: H.Dr Muhammad Ayub Khan 

Safety during Holy month of Ramzan 2020

MONTH OF RAMZAN AND SAFETY Edited by: H/Dr Muhammad Ayub Khan Water plays important role in our body .    According to recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO) and health experts, people are advised to in their best interest to keep them self healthy. following is very important, Drink plenty of fluids, particularly gargling with warm water and drinking liquids to keep their throat and respiratory tract moist. Drinking water prevents dehydration, but it will not prevent anyone from catching the new Coronavirus. Doctors caution against believing homegrown advice and what social media users are  By media spreading online as ways of preventing the virus. in this regard a medical expert Dr. William Schaffner , an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University , said and typically recommend that keeping up fluid intake when sick, drinking more water will not keep anyone from catching the, ...


HOMEOPATHIC EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN       F irstly in Pakistan the only course available was diploma program with the name of DHMS (Diploma in Homoeopathic Medical Sciences) comprises with a tenure of 04 years in Urdu as medium of teaching in private institutions monitored and regulated by national Council for  homeopathy Pakistan. Later on Peshawar University started a two year degree program which is replica of the program already started in universities of a Nambour country.       After considering the importance of this profession, the Islamia University Bahawalpur started a two year condense degree program in year 2000 on experimental basis and in order to full fill the needs of homeopathy experts in society as well as in industry.       After realizing the facts, IUB extended this program to 05 years fulltime degree course named as BHMS (Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medical Sciences) in the year 2004 to make it compatible wi...


ANXIETY AND HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Edited by: H. Dr Muhammad sajjad khan                    B H M S---R H M P (Pak)                      KHAN HPMEOPATHIC CARE CLINIC-VEHARI       Experiencing occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. However, people with anxiety disorders frequently have intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Often, anxiety disorders involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks).These feelings of anxiety and panic interfere with daily activities, are difficult to control, are out of proportion to the actual danger and can last...      Homeopathy is a relatively safe option to explore for naturally relieving your anxiety. It may also work in a pinch for panic attacks . Homeopathic remedies have ...

Protection from Coronavius

TAKE CARE AS PER LOCATION AND STAY AT HOME :::Simple Precautions That Will Help You Avoid the Coronavirus::: kindly watch the video 1.   Washing hands. 2.   Using sanitizer 3.   Wear mask. 4.   Social distancing. 5    Avoid hug and hand shak. 6.   Use clean bed. 7.   Clean Room door handles . 8.   Drink clean normal warm water. 9.   Ear health food. 10. Avoid gathering. 11.On feeling fever or cough, flu report to Doctor.


All  Homeo Doctors are requested to under go study of modern methodology of medication to overcome the unhealthy changes in human body.